Welcome 2011! 新年快乐,万事如意! HAPPY 兔 YEAR!
Posted by VeryBubbly...Always Bubbly...Bubbly 4ever at 23:31 0 comments
Yeah, u bet! I have been struggling thru this week with the greatest efforts.
The power supply of my CPU have gone down after a short circuit happened at home.
Thus, I'm blogging away in the office. Official knocked off time - 17:30hrs. So dun say I 'eat snake' okie!
Some backlogs:
Last Sunday, frens came over for a steamboat reunion. Jo n Nic having a great time in Europe - winter wonderland, thus, not able to join us!
It's a freaky Sunday, my PC failed me, my study room's door decided to shut itself tightly and refused to open.
Yeah, dun knw who itchy hand, lock the room and the lock mechanism simply got jammed. Till now, I'm still puzzled about the whole thing!!!
"Locksmith" Kenny-san tried with all means to "tear" down the damn door, it (the door) stayed as composed as it can be. Finally, we gave up and called for 911....hahhahah...no lah, called my F.I.L for Helpppp!!!
(Seriously, if we dun get the door to open, we can't play mahjong for your info, so die die must open the door.)
Hiak, Hiak, Hiak!
I dun know how long the guys "fought the war", finally they managed to dismantle the "enemy" and that definitely left a "victorious" mark on my door.
Well, freaky as I have mentioned. It doesn't end here. After a round of mahjong, it's time to start our steamboat reunion. Everyone is anticipating the moment, gathering around the table, busy spreading all the food on the table. I switched on the power supply of the extension wire hooked to the induction cooker, power on...alas, the whole hse went into darkness. Realli man, I tell you, wat a wet blanket! We were all stoned for a min before trying to figure out which appliances had caused the short-circuit. True enough, it was the induction cooker which I use once a year....haahhah! Btw, I bot the induction cooker for $70+ at Mustafa lor!
Wat's the brand huh? Hmmm....I forgot liao...got to go back n chk.
Nevertheless, we sent the guys out to NTUC to buy another induction cooker, this time the brand - Morris.
Finally, after much hassel, we can eat in peace and comfort our starving stomachs with all the good food.
With another round of mahjong after the feast, we called it a nite.
Memorable Lunar 11th of Chinese New Year = freaky Sunday!!!
Fotos to be uploaded once my PC's back to normal yeah!
Posted by VeryBubbly...Always Bubbly...Bubbly 4ever at 17:47 0 comments
PC down, gg to get it repair. Meanwhile, cannot blog...hahaha...gd excuse!
Be patient...I will be back!!!
Hiak, Hiak, Hiak, Hiak....!!!
Posted by VeryBubbly...Always Bubbly...Bubbly 4ever at 22:40 0 comments
Dong dong dong qiang, Dong dong dong qiang...!!!
Posted by VeryBubbly...Always Bubbly...Bubbly 4ever at 22:08 0 comments
When you think the worse thing had happened to you, the worst thing has yet to come.
Posted by VeryBubbly...Always Bubbly...Bubbly 4ever at 01:02 1 comments
On the day Ah Gong passed away, Suharto turned into another angel as well. Date: 27012008, Sunday.
We hurried down to where ah Gong used to stay (where his wake will be), changed into white tee, see Ah Gong lying in thy coffin, followed by rituals. Day 1, everyone was busy and very moodless.
Day 2, Ken and I did not go to work. After tidying up the storeroom @ hm, we went down to the wake again. Prayers start at 7pm every evening. This nite, more people came, wreaths started to stream in. I sat around with the cousins to fold "金纸". The obituary was out in the chinese newspapers. We left shortly as we need to work the next day.
Day 3, we went down slightly late due to work commitment, managed to attend the prayer session.
Dad and mum came to pay their respects. Jo and frens came too, very kind of them. We left for home when our frens left.
Day 4, as today is the final nite of the wake, Ken and I stayed till 2plus in the morning. To pass time, we played poker cards and mahjong.
Earlier, something "怪异" happened after our dinner. We were sitting around the table when there was a commotion from a table nearby. An uncle was behaving strangely, he appeared to be toking to himself, sometimes thrusting himself back n forth, sometimes hitting his hands against his laps, making loud "piak piak" sound. And also singing loudly.
I dun understand and can't figure out wat he was singing. Some relatives were beside this uncle, one of our aunty was even holding her hands together as though she was praying to the uncle. It seems kinda fun to watch him and we were realli curious wat had happened to him. Did he do that on purpose to grab ppl's attention? Or did something realli possessed him?
In the end, the monk who's doing the prayer rituals tried to speak to this uncle. The monk even handed the uncle his handphone to speak to someone on the other line, but it seems not to be working. The uncle started to stand up and walked towards the carpark stairways. I overheard the uncle spoke in a harsh, male tone and suddenly in female tone. I felt terrified for a min, I was thinking, that's definitely not fake, I was stunned!
After much coaxing, the uncle still behaved weirdly and even told the monk that they must do proper rituals for Ah Gong. Anyway, in the end, the monk decided to start on the prayer rituals and we all went ahead.
After the prayer session, we do not see the uncle liao!
Call it bizarre or what, we heard frm a cousin saying the uncle was possessed by "十八罗汉"!
Hmmm...I only knw "十八罗汉" are all man right? So wat's with the female voice and singing?
Seriously, I got no idea.
Nvm, I do not wish to know either. Do you believe? Well, the world is full of strange happenings.
Day 5 - the final send off.
Reached at 9.30am, took off our slippers and wore socks only. Followed by final prayer rituals before the coffin was closed. We walked around a couple of times to see Ah Gong for the last time. We were not allowed to watch when the coffin was finally closed. "Why can't we watch?" was some of the young cousins' concern.
Ken dedicated a song to Ah Gong, "Goodbye My Love", played by the live band during the funeral.
"good-bye my love 我的爱人再见, good-bye my love 相见不知哪一天"
The final procession - all the sons and daughters and eldest grandson got to hold on to the van which carry the coffin. The rest of the family followed behind. The road was filled with 佛经 played frm the van. Some passerbys stopped and watched. Well, typical Singaporeans!
It was my first visit to Mandai Crematorium and Columbarium, the hall was like a theaterette. Very modern and classy. The whole process was fast. I think it took less than 20mins and everything was done. It was sad, very sad! 89 years of life spent in this world, you came a long way. 2 hours of cremation seems to be express train ride to heaven. At least, no need to queue anymore, or do they have to?
Posted by VeryBubbly...Always Bubbly...Bubbly 4ever at 23:25 1 comments