6 November 2008

** Advanced Bday Celebration **

A bday lunch treat from my SingTel's colleagues aka "Best Fren Grp".

Decided on the "包罗万香" @ Plaza Singapura after a round of voting.
Date: 4 Nov'08, Tues
Fall-In Time: 12pm
Venue: "包罗万香" @ Plaza Singapura
Attendees: Albert, Bok Lan, Li Woon, Mervyn, Edwin, Shemin, Felicia, Jason and Moi (bday mummy-to-be)
Absentee: Roy Jan
Took a train down to Dhoby Ghaut, the restaurant was not crowded. It was a good thing because we didn't make any reservation. We ordered mostly dim sum from the menu. Thinking since there were 9 of us, we ordered x2 of every type of dim sum. Counting from the menu, there were abt 20 varieties, thus, 40 dishes on the table. Seems like we have starved for the past few days...hahhaa!!!

The dishes came at a fast speed, perhaps there were not many patrons. Our table were full of food and there was no space to accomodate more plates which were being delivered by the waitress. I bet the boss must be laughing at our "goondu-ness" for ordering so much food.

Not all dim sum were yummy anyway. Think it will be my first and last visit to this "包罗万香". I can have nicer dim sum else where even if I have to pay more. Credit to the glutinous rice (not oily) and egg tarts. Can't think of anything nice liao. Oh ya, the ice chrysanthemum tea is tasty too. :)
Overall damage: $150+

Table full of food

In the end, we got to play a few rounds of in-between as game of forfeit. Those who lost got to choose from the remaining dim sum and eat it. Fortunately, I was spared from the forfeit...hiak hiak hiak!!!
Cos I'm the bday gal mah!!!!
Anyway, we still got to da bao 4 boxes of dim sum back to office. See how much food we ordered. *faint*
Well, I enjoyed the lunch. Though no more room for dessert, I'm still satisfied, not the food but the company.
Thank you my best fren grp!!! Muacks....!!!!! :*