What to do on a Sat public holiday? 9 Aug, our nation's bday, thinking of where to go?
Somewhere we can relax and stay away from the crowd.

Welcome 2011! 新年快乐,万事如意! HAPPY 兔 YEAR!
What to do on a Sat public holiday? 9 Aug, our nation's bday, thinking of where to go?
Somewhere we can relax and stay away from the crowd.
Posted by VeryBubbly...Always Bubbly...Bubbly 4ever at 22:20 0 comments
Since I'm waiting for Ah Siang to pick me from office to Coris, I might as well waste no time.
This weekend will be busy, so will have no time to blog.
Ok, what's my ad-hoc topic then, what else? Something related to my current status lah! Heee!!!
Yeah the new Parenthood Package. The announcement last night was to backdate to 17 Aug'2008.
Initially, MTB 2008 are not eligible for this new package, now it's of different story liao.
The perks that delighted me the most:
- Extended Maternity Leave
- Enhanced Baby Bonus
- Paid Childcare Leave from current 2 days to 6 days.
Thank goodness it was backdated to 17th of Aug, or else I will miss all the perks man!
Three cheers to those who sent the petition to the ministers.
But still, having a baby is part of our family planning, it got absolutely nothing to do with the package.
It is definitely a bonus for us and help lessen our burden. Whether this will help boost the birth rate in Singapore or not, it realli depends. I can't realli comment on this.
Still, must thanks the government for its efforts.
Congrats to all MTBs!!!
Posted by VeryBubbly...Always Bubbly...Bubbly 4ever at 18:37 1 comments
Hi frens, this is not the latest scan though.
This was taken in July'08, baby at about 19 weeks!
I'm now at my 23rd week. Put on 7kgs, enjoying my little darling's kicks every single day!
Playing classical music to darling every nite too.
Baby saying Hello to all, see you uncles and aunties in Dec!
Posted by VeryBubbly...Always Bubbly...Bubbly 4ever at 00:14 0 comments
We make decisions everyday in our lives. Have you made a decision which you regretted? Sometimes, it's a decision you have to make once in a lifetime. I'm glad we made the right decision, others may not agree.
Someone once told me "But it's not 100% guarantee", I didn't think much of that comment until now. Even if there's only a 0.01% of chance, we will still go for it.
Okay, you readers must be wondering what I'm gibberishing about. I'm talking about storing my baby's cord blood. I'm not gg to spend time here explaining what is it, but for parents-to-be, you ought to know what I'm refering to. =P
Surprisingly, I realised many of my frens are not keen in storing their baby's cord blood. For whatever reasons it may be, I thought it was not a wise decision. Apologies if you are one of my frens mentioned here. I'm just sharing my thoughts here, dun get mad at me ok! :) Anyway, everyone has a choice.
But what's wrong with me saying that? I'm sure no parents in this world will want to curse their children into having some terminally ill diseases. But what if (touch woooooddddddd), what if this really happen? Can we just stand there and see our children fade away day by day? Or wait endlessly in hoping to find suitable donors or a cure to save their young lives?
With advance medical technology now, we are able to store our baby's cord blood which has a high possibility of curing those terminally ill diseases such as leukaemia. Instead of waiting in agony for suitable bone marrow, the stored cord blood stands a higher chance of saving the patient. And why not?
Back to the comment made by someone, he said it's not 100% guarantee that the cord blood will save lives. You mean you are gg to forsake the chance of saving someone just because it's not 100% guaranteed?
Think again! Why do we buy insurance for our kids? Why do we buy insurance to cover them of diseases? If one day (touch wwwoooooodddd again), something realli happen to them. The amount insured can only cover their medical bills. But this stored cord blood can save them and make them healthy once again, why not?
Some parents strive to provide their children the best thing(s), but what's really the best thing(s)?
Some parents spent thousands on branded goods, some spent on vacations, some spent hundreds in insurance. But when asked to spend on something without 100% guarantee, they are skeptical about it.
All parent want their children to grow up healthily, but sometimes things are beyond our control. Yet, when we have the ability to control and make decisions, do we grab the opportunity or let the opportunity slipped away like sand in our hands?
I'm not trying to be a spokesperson here, just wanna highlight the importance of what's best for our children.
For parents-to-be, there's no harm in attending the educational talks given by these cord blood banks. If you really do not have the time to attend these talks, you can always visit their websites for more information.
I received this sms from my fren today and found it pretty appropriate to use in today's topic.
Here it goes:
" Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives."
~William James~
I will like to change part of this quote.
"Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of many lives."
Pardon me for my lame-ness here....!
Lastly, I will like to wish everyone good health, best of health!
Posted by VeryBubbly...Always Bubbly...Bubbly 4ever at 15:51 0 comments
The long-waited day finally arrived on 27 June'08, a sunny Friday morning.
Posted by VeryBubbly...Always Bubbly...Bubbly 4ever at 00:38 0 comments
Celebrating Father's Day - 13 June'08
Posted by VeryBubbly...Always Bubbly...Bubbly 4ever at 00:11 0 comments