24 March 2008

** 好运总和我扯不上关系 ** ="(

The time now is 10.05pm, still in the office struggling with never-ending reports!
Revised, revised and revised! Updates, updates and more updates!

Please sympathize me! Whole day, no lunch, no dinner, nothing went into my stomach, except plain water! Think my breathe began to stink liao...ahahahah!!! Asked my colleague to buy lunch - Delifrance Tuna Croissant, took one mouth whole piece of croissant inside the office fridge, as breakfast tmlo!
No more appetite though hungry like crazy!

I'm calling it a day....working more than 14 hrs non-stop. Three or four toilet breaks today!
Tell me, I'm gonna fly to polaris soon....hahahah!!!

Pardon me for my madness here, just trying to 苦中作乐!
Drop me a note to wish me gd health, dun knw how long can I survive!!! *pondering hard*

No more Work Life Balance (WLB) it's Work Life Integration (WLI)!!! *Pengzzz*


Anonymous said...

Aiyo! Like that how can??!!! I work till 10pm also must eat leh! Call us next time and we go for short kopi breaks for some bread okie? Its not worth spoiling your health becoz of work...;)